1. Students must attend school on regular basis. Full time students are required to attend a minimum of 120 hours per month; part time must attend 60 hours per month. When a student falls below minimum attendance, the following action will be taken:
Offense Full time Part time
1st warning warning
2nd probation probation
3rd 3-day suspension
4th dropped to part time dropped from the Program
2. Student may not put more than 8 hours per day.
3. Student must notify the office of all absences by 9:00 a.m. Student will be suspended for not calling in.
4. Student must adhere to his or her own time schedule. Morning student must come in at 8:45 a.m. evening students must come in at 11:30 a.m. Students are not allowed to set their own schedule. Instructor must approve any change.
- Students are allowed 1 hour for a break (30 mins. on Saturdays). Breaks must be taken before 1:30 p.m. for morning students and 4:30 p.m. for evening students or there will be no more breaks for that day. On Saturday breaks must be before 3:00 p.m.
- The lunchroom opens at 12 noon and closes at 5:00 p.m. Students are not allowed in the lunchroom unless it is lunchtime or if they are punched out.
- There will be absolutely no sleeping at school. Anyone found sleeping at school would be dismissed and suspended for one day.
- There is no smoking anywhere in the school.
- It is the student's responsibility to be aware of patron at their station. The receptionist will not search for any student. If a patron is left at a student's station unattended for more than five minutes, that student will be suspended.
- Only the receptionist in charge of the front desk does patron assignments. Students are not allowed to choose their own patron or get any patron out of the waiting area.
- Students will service any patron assigned to them. There will be absolutely no switching patrons for any reasons.
- Requests will be handled in the following matter: The student will be notified of the request and receive payment at the time the patron is seated. Requests do not get special privileges over non-requests. The student will serve other patrons before their request to reduce overcrowding if necessary.
- Any student refusing to serve a patron will be immediately suspended.
- Students are not allowed in the offices or supply room without permission.
- Students may not loiter around the front desk.
- Students may not leave the premises except during lunch.
- Cooperation with student teachers and the receptionist in charge of the front desk is mandatory.
- Students must clean their station completely everyday. Mirrors, chair bases, drawers, and cabinets must be cleaned and floor swept before the student is allowed to leave for a day.
- Students are to use the payphone for all incoming and outgoing calls. Limit phone call to 3 mins. A student will not be called out of class or from work on a client for a telephone unless it's an emergency.
- Students should inform callers to use the payphone number instead of the business number.
- Students may get their own hair done once a week during the specified times of Tuesday thru Thursday.
- Students must get permission from the instructor and sign out on the roll sheet at the front desk before any work is done, anyone not signed out, will get up and cut if needed or will get up and go home.
- Only one student may get their hair done at a time.
- Student facials and manicures will be allowed if there are no patrons waiting for service, if it gets busy, the student will immediately get up to serve a patron.
- There is no such thing as "being on break". If you aren't punched out for lunch, you are available to cut if needed.
- Students must punch in/out and sign in/out on the roll at the front desk when on lunch break. Any students not signed out are considered to be on the clock and will service any patron immediately.
1. Students must wear clean smocks and dress neatly every day.
2. Jeans or pants that have holes or patches are not permitted.
3. No sandals or open toed shoes are permitted.
4. Hose or socks are to be worn.
5. White or black smocks and black pants or skirts are to be worn on Saturday. This is the uniform for Saturday.
6. No head bands, caps, sun glasses are allowed in the class area.
7. No shorts, mini skirts, tank tops or any type of pants or jeans above the ankle.
8. No baggy pants and all pants must have a belt.
9. No headphones allowed.
10. No multicolored pants.
1. A tardy occurs when a student is not in attendance at the regular scheduled time of class each day.
2. Three days of tardiness during a calendar month shall constitute one day of absence.
- An absence occurs when a student is not in attendance on regularly scheduled class day.
- School holidays such as summer vacation and Christmas holidays are not considered as days of absence.
- It shall be considered proper grounds for dismissal when a student accumulates absences in excess of five days in a calendar month. Any student will be terminated if fourteen consecutive days are missed.
Students are responsible for contacting their instructors regarding any make-up work because of an absence from class. All make-up work must be completed no later than two weeks after class absence.
Make-up work cannot and will not be authorized for the purpose of removing an absence.
When students enroll at the school, they assume responsibility for knowing and abiding by the rules, regulation, and policies of the school.
Students at the school exemplify the qualities of courtesy and integrity that represent the finest possible community and dress standards.
Since the school intends to provide a dignified and professional environment to promote the social and educational growth of its students, each student is expected to exercise good taste and to be appropriately dressed and well groomed at all times.
The school doesn't permit the use of abusive or profane language in the premises or at any school-sponsored activity.
The school doesn't permit the use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs/weapons in the premises or at any school-sponsored activity.
Students who violate the rules will be interviewed by the manager/director and placed on probation. The school reserves the right to suspend or dismiss students when such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the school or its students.
This policy applies to students who have been dismissed for the first time from school. Students dismissed for unsatisfactory conduct will be required to have an interview with the manager and provide assurance that the violation will not re-occur. Any further violations will result in permanant dismissal.
Normally the campus director will make the final determination on any disagreement or enforcement of policy. However, a student who feels that there are circumstances in his situation warranting a variation from usual policies or procedures may petition a Faculty student Appeals Committee. Finding will be considered by the school's president, which will then make a final judgment.
- All students are required to attend theory every day Tue. - Fri. 8:45-10:00a.m. or 1pm - 2.15pm
- All students are required to notify the school of absence.
- If a student is absent more than one (1) day he/she must furnish the school with a document stating the reason for their absence.
- Student's attendance will be closely monitored, absences is ground for termination.
- Friday and Saturday rules, as stated in rules of Trend Barber College Inc. will be enforced.
- If a student is absent more than three (3) days in a month, he/she is subject to suspension.
- No student is allowed to leave early on Friday and Saturday.
If a student clocks in and disappears he/she will be "suspended".